Koteret Investor Relations Israel



Koteret Investor Relations helps you draw more investors to your business and keep the current ones loyal to your stock.
Investor relations have become a crucial factor in influencing the behavior of the stock market. Trading today is as much about promoting your company and stock share value as it is about doing good business.


Koteret Investor Relations helps you draw more investors to your business and keep the current ones loyal to your stock.


With Koteret Investor Relations,  you can:

  • Strengthen your relationship with your stock holders.
  • Develop relations with potential investors.
  • Build a long-term and consistent positive business image.
  • Broaden your analytical coverage.
  • Increase exposure of your company to the media and the capital market.
  • Build a reliable image of your company's management.
  • Provide effective business information to the market.

This is worth your while, because with the positive benefits from an Investor Relations program:

  • You'll increase your stocks negotiability (trading volumes) and expand expansion in your investor base.
  • You'll receive direct feedback from decision makers in the market.
  • You'll increase your company's exposure (brand and image).
  • You'll achieve control over your company's media coverage.

Why choose Koteret IR?

  • We use unique work methodologies based on measurements and are results-oriented.
  • We maintain direct relationships with all market players and leading opinion setters in the financial media.
  • We have proven experience working with dually-listed companies, locally traded companies, investment banks and venture capitals funds.
  • We employ highly experienced professionals in financial journalism.


  • Initiating and conducting ongoing two-way dialogue with the capital market.
  • Formulating messages for the capital market.
  • Building a targeted database of institutional investors.
  • Initiating and managing investor conferences.
  • Initiating and managing personal and group meetings.
  • Distributing financial statements and announcements to the capital market.
  • Organizing, coordinating and managing quarterly conference calls.
  • Ongoing market surveys among Capital Market concerns.

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